

What Things May Come ?  3D Printing in the Fine Arts and Sciences
SAROFIM, School of Fine Arts
From the 4th February to 4th March 2015
Georgetown, Texas 78626, USA

The 3D Printing, a fashion to concretize the virtual and the abstract
of the Wave Function in the Theory of the
Pretopological Quantic Relational Systems Texturologies

to show design, forms and complexities of the things, the mind and the soul
of the humanity.


Associate Professor on Digital Design,
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Design Department, Human Sciences, Cachan,
CREDACI (Centre for Research and Study in Design Arts and Industrial Creation)
UCVI (Universe Interactive Virtual Cities)

Doctor of Biology (BME, University of Paris XIII) , Engineer of Computer-Electronic-Automatic, ESIEA
Artist and writer, pioneer in the computer sciences, computer arts.
Secretary General of ARS MATHEMATICA






Matters and Materials for Invention, Patrick Saint-Jean knows, him that in the younger end of 60's when he install his small laboratory of plastic and synthetic rubber-matters in the bathroom of its parents home.
Purpose he experiments and materials than others matters in chemical with painting, music (acoustic sounds and noises), architecture, biology (Robotics Laboratory of Cell-Culture for the 1982 electronic and automatic (CEA, CNES), computer science, computer art ( Holographic Art at Unesco, 1984, RobotPaint and RobotSculpt) and computer graphics.
And for him : Words and Concepts, as all matters and materials, are concrete-abstract-virtual, and matter-energy-information, done for experimenting and practicing for defining and his own philosophy-technosophy-virtuosophy, Where 3D Printer is a way of the Digital Sculpture. After a mixed "arts and sciences" training, he Became Engineer of Superior School of Computer-Electronic-Automatic (ESIEA, Paris, 1975) and Doctor Biology of the University of Paris XIII (1989).

    Earlier Beginning with painting, and music at the Conservatory of Gobelins in Paris, he Studied Formalized Music of Iannis Xenakis (1964-1967), and design a computer music instrument for him (UPIC CNET 0.1974-78) Effective analog instruments and industrial Design that he deposited Patents in France and USA (Electro-magnetic organ, variable speed transmission Mecanical for digital calculation, Industrial poper microwave device) and early designs (1993) new generation of amphitheaters with new digital technologies for immersion and interaction and for the design of multimedia concept (PolyAgogic CyberSpace) with AI-engine based on His own mathematical model (Trans-combination and Pretopological Quantum Relational Texturologies) Effective Developing this model in 70's for digital picture analysis , in 80's for general organization and 3D image-synthesis and digital sculpture, and in 90's for Knowledge Shows Integrating all new digital and web technologies with 3D-computer-vision.
    From 1974, falling on 25 years, Patrick Saint-Jean was teacher of Computer -music, Visual-Art Electronic-art, Computer-art Digital-art, for Plastician Arts (Visual Arts), Applied Arts, Communication Arts and Aesthetics at the University of Sorbonne in UFR Plastic Arts and Sciences of the Art. He was also President of ACM SIGGRAPH Professional and Student Chapter of PAris during 10 years as a militant of the Computer Science, Computers Arts, Computer Graphics, and is now Secretary General of the international Association Ars Mathematica.
    From 1990 Patrick Saint-Jean is a teacher-researcher, artist plastician Designer, Lecturer and Associate Professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Cachan, Val de Marne, France) on Digital Design.


If the physical world can correspond to topological quantum theories founded on the set theory and their structures integrated in those of the categories, based on the Combinatory one, and founded on the classes and orders, transitivity and the difference with the numerical differential direction or levels analog, the homology and the homomorphie, the world To be it can correspond only to theories of pretopologic relational quantum texturologies based on the transcombinatory, and based on the set theory and their structures inter-connected in andro-categories, the local-total-global resualisme, not-transitivity and with diversity, heterology and heteromorphism.
Transitive or topological closing not considering that the other is only the noise of each one to minimize to see removing to insulate itself, must be reconsidered in a formed membrane of the closing of each one, the whole transformed into zone of operability (exchanges, fights, plays, transformations,…).
From these textures of relations are born a texturology from functions of wave resulting from the distributions from amplitudes from probability, like blows of life to be made it heart on the Be-body and allowing the Be-spirit to develop. The whole forming a poetry in evolution artistic and scientific or poietic concrete-abstract-virtual which the sculpture can make numerical or digital.
(Patrick Saint-Jean, © 1965-2015).

Materials for the invention: a way to concretize the complex thought and give a new 3D visualization . of the abstract and virtual significance of our Being and our World of Beings
During His experience, Patrick Saint-Jean designs and invents new mathematic spaces connected to the classical one, aim for expressive human world, human sciences and more complex thinking; and his esthetician finds reflection of ideas into concepts icts the authors of our century, like Dubuffet goal aussi Deleuze, De Certeau (Walking in the city, The foreigner in the union or difference), Edouard Glissant (Philosophy of the relationship), and Edgard Morin, thinker complexity of the All which it notes in the "spirit of the time" and olefins icts method of knowledge to translate the complexity of reality and to Recognize the existence of the beings and to approach the mystery of the things through the Unity-Diversity meaning, Who Will make it try a reform of the thought Whose work of Patrick Saint-Jean modestly takes part with His mathematical spaces in social sciences and the arts. He exposed and speaks about icts different steps of icts of digital art and sculpture complex thinking (from class and order to successive proximities and resualism with cybericity) Have you matter and materials are of His Inventions through His sculptures and 3D numerical Printings, exploring artificial intelligence of heads-printer and Micro-Robotics to define new structures.


Everything is matter!
Should we exclaim? All is matter! Should it be exclaimed? Everything is matter? Rather question! All is matter? Rather to issue Itself! In our Wolrd of Matter, Wave and Information, This vibration is permanent in the artist's expression, as the researcher in his experimentation. This vibration is continuous with the artist in His expression, like the researcher in His . experimentation and terrestrial Nature, like the cosmos, whether particle-wave-energy-information, whether concrete abstract and / or virtual, it remains material (material and material): material unborn material to be , forthcoming material, material knowledge, material thinking, design, conceptualize and invent . And when we do not know, we invent, we imagined so conclusive: for example, at the moment, "matter black "(75% of the cosmos), with a dark energy and dark to look at the outer cosmic currents, due to multiverse composed by cosmic inflation) . We do not know what it is, but we know that this is not the natural material that is undetectable by any visible radiation (light) standard or invisible (radio waves, gamma radiation), where Assuming a cosmic radiation (in 2009 these traces on the natural material are shown). Indeed, in its setting, if the Universe appears to us homogeneous above the size of galaxy cluster distances, it becomes inhomogeneous at very large scales beyond the cosmological horizon. Of overdensities that existed locally and were swept away by the acceleration of the expansion of space caused by the inflationary era, beyond this horizon can produce attraction in a given direction of a part of the material of the observable universe .
But back to human scale (micro, mezzo, macro) where the basic material (star dust) from the cosmos is aggregated to create its universe nanoscopic mineral or molecular structures. The material is present with all its physical, aesthetic and energy components, interacting intercréation intercréaction between the artist and the work and the viewer and spectator.
So can we INVENT ie to conceptualize and design ? materialize The design is first perceived, outside the observation, capture physical, sensory perception and psycho-perception (according to culturally understand the psyche, the soul and spirit but also psycho-physiology), and the inner fantasy, simulation, pretense, illusion. When it takes shape, its presence is there, "manipulated" real or virtual, it is possible it give a name, properties, relationships, structural-functional models of the abstract by the symbols, languages ​​and languages ​​of most vulgar and esoteric not excluding pedagogy. abstraction of virtual ignorance will even to believe (or believe) that dematerialized products are manufactured. If the concrete is abstract and virtualize, abstract and virtual materialize, the virtual and the real is also abstract in multimedia languages text, image and sound (music and video), gesture, movement, animation, product, space, space scenography.
By Digital (finger hand binary digit) the Design goes digital as well analog, with all its mathematical languages, logic, computer, interactive, and intercréatifs intercréactifs, all visualizations, performances and art installations, scientific and technology.
to us to make materials, ie to use, design, build, manufacture, process, synthesize structured materials (gas, fluid, solid, composite, synthetic, artificial) to properties, shapes and specific features and different suitable for assembly, installation, Forming, molding, to be modeled, to sculpture, to plastic and aesthetic expression.
's once, when the archaic and sectarian lines separated disciplinary territories, was French called " industrial design "[Étienne Souriau (1990), aesthetic vocabulary, PUF, Quadriga, 2004, p. 880 et seq.]. Departure from different backgrounds (engineers, architects) Fine Arts dedicated to arts crafts companions, artisans and artists, where theories and practices, tools and instruments, approaches and methods were different because performed individually or in small groups for productions ranging from unity to small series, the design very close to the poietic (creative process), and closer to the state Manufactures (Colbert seventeenth century) has led to new approaches specific to a particular aesthetic that modern times (too close colonialism speculative and inhuman) were able to go into technological feat to sacrifice a large part of the working population, and the benefit of a minority. What he has given an aesthetic connotation of the line without the form, the form without the environment and quality of life, relaying the designer a shooter bar compared to the architect. Contemporary fifties to seventies have regained their human dimensions by introducing ergonomics and a search for the opening of the market to the greatest number , become consumer, leaving the wealthy minority art and luxury craft , and endangering customary art. This is progress at the start that quickly becomes a speculation on the quality and uniformity, masked by advertising raising a Packaging Design and Communication Design at the expense of product consumed perishable (contrary to the work which spans the centuries.).
It is separate from the aesthetic financial  industry, where virtually the production of financial profits, under the pretext of work is ensured by speculation on the variability of local production in the supply and demand Global market globalization, and in the context of psycho-spatiotemporal permanent crisis for financial speculation on both the hoarding of capital (manufactured where it is cheap to sell at the highest possible price when the lack and demand is greatest) as transitions rotation values ​​of financial flows in crisis and speculative insurance. Through Applied Arts Plastics and Involved, digital design, also called design of interaction or interaction design or digital design to express the continuity between the fingers of the creative hand and binary digit of the concrete-abstract-virtual interface between being computer, the machine and its environment, defines the structure and behavior of systems interactive. The information society and digital communication define a new industry as a new art and new economic paradigms that have a direct impact on the role of the designer. In this context, the issue of supply and product design takes a central role ( C3% A9rique).
The virtual material and digital materials together in their differences while subject-object-project Design of concrete-abstract-in virtual environment and the context of local-global-total life.
Design is now a democratic aesthetic production, mass production of adaptive since with the new century ecological and ecosystem dimension, where theoretically the concrete-abstract-quality virtual must be accessible to as many, if not all, and durable, with an industrial reconquest by new technologies and innovation. 's Design has therefore its fate in the production of résuelle interconnection fellow arts-crafts-industries, ensuring and guaranteeing the continuity (or rather successive nearby) unit of work, the work in series and implement democratic mass, accompanied by the kit-it-yourself, do-it yourself and live-it yourself, and when the worker becomes oeuvrier production unit as well as multiple. Design is an open creative discipline of designing devices for users through work on shapes, colors and Sensories-motor properties and socio-psycho-physiological reminiscent of the arts and crafts creation , which may include both spatial forms (design space ), volume (product design, industrial design), textiles (fashion design, styling), graphics (graphic design, graphic design) or interactive (interactive design, interaction design, digital design), and even intangible forms such as life forms (scenic design) and forms of knowledge (Concept Design, Design Knowledge, Design Mind, Thinking Design), made ​​possible by computer technology Digital Design for observation, analysis, processing, synthesis and visualization of information in a database (or real-time) and dynamic networks. In this framework senior executive, digital sculpture was then its importance . And the materials are percept-concept affects that must be mastered to produce and share all their qualities in interactivity and intercreativity between the work and the artist, between the work and the prosumer. This work forms close to artistic activity and brings together a network of one-person and group arts, crafts and industries, explains the importance of aesthetic considerations in the field of design, but should not obscure the equally important functional considerations, technical, legal, economic, ergonomic, social and political, or philosophical, which are at the heart of the work of designer, regarded as one of main business of the design, with those of the architect or engineer. Dealing concrete, abstract and virtual, the role of design is to respond to the needs, solve problems, propose solutions innovative or invent new possibilities in order to improve the quality of life of human beings in all societies and in all countries in democratic development (so-called advanced societies to industrially advanced handicraft companies both need a social and human sustainable development in their ecological environment.) The multidisciplinary approach is therefore central to the work of the designer , as a plastic science whose culture it questions, challenges and interactive with both arts the technical analog, digital and digital, the humanities or the natural sciences , in its field, with other cultures (physics, mathematics and computer science, electronic automatic) are also other forms of thought which need these plastic science to evolve. wave pioneers, - "our peers and our odd passing and lack" (sets of knowledge, PSJ-2006) - Electronic Arts, electromechanical, electromagnetic , electrokinetic, and computer arts had already understood everything (or almost) from the 60 (or 50). He was doubtless of their own peers, and had to bring their own views to us entrust their secrets: the current experience that resonates and yet reason in our heads and that reason is trying to express. .. with so many odd to one day become peers - Iannis Xenakis (Formal Music, Ploix Edition, 1963) whose efforts have led to a kind of abstraction to a new writing and a virtual formalization in a new architecture concrete act of musical composititon where classical and orchestral harmony was already open to twelve-tone music of Alban Berg, Schoenberg and Webern serialism and Pierre Boulez (http://fr.wikipedia. org / wiki / Pierre_Boulez), Olivier Messiaen and that had been a turning point in the history of music on two different messianic voice. It uses and designs "mathematics from three perspectives: philosophy of being and its evolution, quality and support mechanism Logos, instrument of measurement refines the investigation, and the realization and perception.". "Make music means to express human intelligence by means of sound (but pure logic of emotions and intuition logic). " "The formalization and axiomatization is actually a processional guide more suited to modern thought in general. " "A work of new and rich visual art may arise whose evolution is controlled by giant electronic brains, valuable tools not only for the calculation of rockets or price indices, but also tools of the artistic life of the future, a total audiovisual event set in his compositional intelligence enslaved by machines to other machines themselves run by the man, thanks for Scientific Arts. Starting from simple ideas :
In the concrete-abstract-virtual my concepts are materials and material concepts.
In the digital virtual, even if the screen material as well as the photo-electronic image is real,

its contents, and all information distributed clusters becomes a favorable light material sculpture.

Skip classical painting of 60's to 2D digital painting and 3D programmed and interactive
Computer Arts, Computer Sciences and Computer Graphics in 80's.

" Résualisme "

course in the 60s, still a child, radio and tape recorder and television major, at home, even in a council flat, is already an awareness of a set of local networks exchange information to cover a new globality; but, teen, build a radio with a few transistors, gallium arsenide, to listen to the night, under the covers, the waves come from afar to bring us the culture - that teachers do not tell us the school - with the same suspense and greed that our parents tried to listen to Radio London during the "last" global war on their position lamp or even galena is both magical and denotes a strong commitment to new technology services information and culture. True enough, and yet already propagandist, but looking good ... otherness, focused on the manipulation of rotations made ​​two-way both highly sensitive and specific and rapid jerks and reiterative of a button causing " zaping "wave could bring something more to build its own uniqueness and give the idea of a switched seriality an interactive scenario. And constructing a transceiver providing a push to talk freedom but also by the interaction of the network and be become director of its own radio. The imagination helping it was a way to make his own movie in your head. The media was already there. The author, Patrick Saint-Jean, made ​​his first poems in 1967 and stochastic in 1970 a literary analysis of Pirandello "Chacun sa truth" Markov stochastic processes. Analyzing the noise texture, he doubts whether this was simply a superposition of waves and combinatorics. Violin to a soul as a concert hall of the soul that stirs the audience in its interaction with the orchestral music is a vibrational network results of a cross-combination of sound waves. Cinema (staging, shooting, editing) also has a soul, the film that vibrates her publicdans the cinema. The film is not a carrier but content and expression. early as 1973, when the author working on telecommunication networks in partial destruction of one of its teachers ESIEA, Director at Thomson, he takes awareness of the importance of the network in military strategy but also the world of information. But artisque or poetic dimension does not escape him again: he imagines as a vast network markoview system that regulates but is subject to disturbances or flow type that can saturate the nodes and the sound texture became a vibrant informational texture on and within the network, instrumental soul of a social expression. But One source of information is becoming a major networked information seen on the Internet, more than a picture of the world, primarily a multimedia image-sound- text-interaction which is added the multi partition MTiPSi (1992) This material has properties of its own, related to the very complex structural and phenomenological aspects of the sources from which it originated. Sculptor from a raw material for lead to a sculpture sculptuel-sculptural experience of the concrete-abstract-that results in a virtual purpose, meaning and imagination combining practice-theory in an interactive praxis, programmed and calculated mathematically, logically and graphically. The concrete will be through data visualization giving percept. Abstract give its meaning by the relationships created between the visual and the reality of the concept. And the imaginary construct movements, shapes and colors obtained in the praxis . synergistic-synectics-synaesthetic association with the percept-concept affect To sculpt the artist give you all the resources of the computer programmer and interactive. Thus the tools of the artist will be: - observation through research, perception, capture, receiving and storing information (database files formatted data.) - pretreatment improvement (enhancement), segmentation, pre-classification. - analysis and processing information through local and multi multihiérarchique classification (content, microcompostion) and overall. - and synthesis, choice and action scientific visualization and interactive multimedia art form of text, 2D image, 3D, its and animation real or delayed time.
It's experience as exposure then a poetics, a creative process where shape, color, direction and imagination become interactive and intercreative intercreactive between the sculptor, the virtual material and the viewer - . spectator sculpture installed, provided exposure to the author this creative thinking gives way to an artistic movement " résuel " : the Résualisme  (1994 -) more than cyber cybernetics which the artist engages in self and cooperative inter-networked governance. A society where people live in harmony in regulation centered on humanity and nature.

Research and development

Experienced since the 70s complex systems and design of mathematical models and computer around trans-suits, pretopological textures, and pretopological pretopological quantum Texturologies Texturologies, both in the analysis, processing and synthesis of signal, image and any systemic organization of information, and after MTiPSI version 1992, the author designs
PolyAgogic CyberSpace (University of Paris I LIASA, NCSS LTNIS, CREACI 1992-2005 CREDACI-UCVI 2006-2011), interactive immersion amphitheater for the show and is defined through the draft of the new 2011 version of the semantic engine HPC (High Parallel Computing) of its scientific visualization of knowledge by Design Concept Multimedia normalized to the Internet, allowing KJ (Knowledge-jockay) to navigate the interactive knowledge spaces , became galactic conceptual 3D hyperspaces . So after its spawn paths déridaiens interactively along deuleuziens rhizomes generated in real time in a dynamic 3D real-time graph, self-structuring its multi-parametric semantic engine , the KJ can systematize all processes thematic knowledge to write an event partition multi-track elements of knowledge, and in the form of a show, a course or a conference on multi-screens. Whether it is stored, transferred, processed and distributed in the form of databases , streaming or online via the Internet (global) or intranet (local), the problem is characterized by the use of large sets or collections of multimedia information: - text with metatext (html, xml, etc..) - measures, contextual data - still images, digital or scanned from real, synthesis and composition, - digital audiovisual from real or synthetic compounds sequences of digital image and text overlay for translation , - only audio from music, sounds, songs, lyrics, radios, can be named, indexed, titled and annotated, whose number is finite but too large enough to know the full extent in an instant and can take . account within a reasonable time in its applications, the mathematician approaches then : - Photographer and optician (space, view, field of vision, the image plane, focus, scale factor, lighting, taking account environmental or interference and holography) - the computer (search engine multi-criterion, programming script and diagrammatic, selective sorting, filtering, classification, structure, interactivity, instantiation, competition spot, organization, HPC and Cloud Network) - Physicist (strong and weak interactions, scalar fields, gradients and influence, quantum space-time) - the digital representation specialist designer, digital exposure (set design, storyboard , scenario PLM) in 2D and 3D virtual sets, animated and interactive that takes into account and considers the universal as all polyversels, of communicating objects-subjects-interactivables projects in a local-global-total developing relational context synergies-synectiques-synaesthesia. - and systmicien that models all in a multi-loop, multi hierarchical and complex dynamic real-time system. 's Designer both mathematician and non-mathematician takes into account that: The representation of the triangle (Pascal) in the n-th dimension corresponding to Combinatorics (Leibniz 1666, "De Arte Combinatoria") and giving the classic topology is very useful but not sufficient and must be added to it the representation of the square in the n-th dimension corresponding to the Trans-Combinatorics (Patrick Saint-Jean, 1966 "De Arte Trans-Combinatoria") giving pretopologic texture.

- The provided pretopologic texture of the methods centered on nontransitivity of the relations and the heterology (not-bijective)
, to provide Unity and Diversity.
The topology -based methods provided transitivity relations ( equivalence class and order) allowing hierarchies and reductionist and rationalist optimization.

Russian Headstocks (class and order) is not enought with transitive like in physical and topological models homologic goal we need non-transitive and heterological pretopological texture model with human relational quantum theory Texturologies.

The Topology with Transitivity, Classes and Order is joined with the Pretopologic Texture with non-transitivity and network.

- The pretopologic texture provided methods based on non transitive (but not intransitivity) enabling the dynamic network,
ensuring multihierachie texture, and texturology to a relational optimization.

- Augmented topology by pretopology (or hypertopologie) allows the passage from one to the other depending on the complexity and intractability and the degree of acceptance of the loss of information. Note that if the term pretopology perfect sense as pre-topological in the frame of nested spaces: pretopologic space T-1, T0 (topological space), T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 (metric space), it would interesting to see if the hypertopology does not apply to all spaces T i . Spaces T i that are not "nested", the entire space is a space of increased or hypertopologie topology .

- The pretopological textures allow assembly of differentiated non transitive relationships elements.
- The pretopological Texturologies allow evolution to stable states multihiérarchiques.
- The pretopological quantum Texturologies allow the dynamic structure of a complex organization by considering not only Cardinals and pretopological ratio (indoor, adhesion etc..) but the wave functions of distributed elements, taking into account the module and phase of the concepts in their interrelations. Thus the relativistic space-time (- cti, x, y, z)   is a space-time of Minkowski quaternion (ct, (ix, jy, kz)), where ct (a period) represents a quantity, Cardinal within a sub- together, and (ix, jy, kz) subsets semie inner membrane, outer-membrane semie and external. then the square root values ​​of cardinal and standardization subsets containing, are used to obtain amplitude distribution (quantum reports) and obtain a model of wave that releases the need to know the cardinals generally poorly known initially functions. Through the generalized theory of quantum pretopological Texturologies, space relativistic time is then converted into a texture quantum spacetime forming networks of networks of informational elements. The quaternion Minkowsky could also be a quaternion hyperbolic , respecting no associativity, but forming a quasigroup - all equipped with an internal composition law (magma) for which (as a multiplication law), it is possible to divide, right and left, the quotient right and left quotient is unique -. This finite quasigroup is a Latin square . Structured chaos m subsets of level n, contained in the sets of level n +1, then a system of systems quinternions:

{(√ int m, n , i √ smi m, n , j √ sme m, n , k ext √ m, n , √ int l, n +1 ) n, l, m }
all normalized at each level to show the wave functions texturologiques.


and give HPC Version:
Considering the overall levels as dimensions, it is then possible to define a texture superior to any subset dimension.

Because firstly applied work in biomedical engineering from the 70s, and secondly the concept of texturology seeking interactions with trade, the concept of mathematical boundary (open or closed topology) is often replaced by the membrane (interactivities permanent trade), not to be confused with "branes" of string theory.
At the concept of space-time
(spin energy, kinetic energy, radiant energy from one universe to the Dark Ages) and was assistant space concept-relation (local-global-total where the concept is actually the percept-concept affect) or whole-relation must be parametrically control to navigate or overfly conceptual information (structured prétopologiquement areas) in the field of interactive knowledge viewable immersed in their structures, their contents and explanatory or spectacular sequences. The concept of local-global total-thus takes on its full meaning. texturology Local domestic subsets is the "rotation" type (quaternion left of each subset), an "informational energy spin" more complex than 'physics, giving contextual meaning and pragmatic contexturel. texturology The total membrane is providing links "kinetic energy" structuring ("colision" fundamental and pragmatic concepts). Overall texturology interior sets distributed subsets is the informational-type radiant energy (emission of basic concepts) that textual meaning and textural polysemous a dictionary. Thus "textons" (lemmas vocabulary, sentence in a paragraph, paragraph to a page in a web page or entire website sites) are grouped into "texturons" space concept relationship.

Recall the concept of semantics:

The nineteenth-century, Michel Breal , professor of comparative grammar at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes and the Collège de France from 1866 to 1905 and in 1875 elected member of the Academy of Inscriptions and belles-lettres , is best known for being the founder of the semantics , which he coined the term, with its " semantic Test "published in 1897. During the twentieth-century, Gaston Bachelard in Air and dreams ( 1943) essay on the imagination of the Movement, examines the relationship between art and science , that is to say between imagination and rationality . They may be conflicting or complementary: "Our membership in the world of images is stronger, constitutive of our being that we belong to the world of ideas" (the awakened sleeper); and: About any image that strikes us, we must ask: what is the language ardor that image landed us in the 90s, Patrick Saint-Jean develops MTipsi the multimedia database in 4D ACI for its PolyAgogic CyberSpace (changing its concept SILOCoMuVi UPIC-70 minicomputer space on interactive immersion) for integrating a multimedia texts, images, partitions, sounds and interactions in a show of knowledge (1992). CNRS Eveline Martin (1993) showing Bachelard ("to feel good imagining the role of language, we must patiently seek about all the words, desires otherness, desires double meanings, desires metaphor . OF More generally, it is necessary to identify all desires to leave what is seen and what is said in favor of what we imagine . "), poses in his book (short for his thesis 92) bases exploration of texts as an essential tool of communication, assistance from the computer becomes essential but should still give him the means to identify useful information and it only queries conceptual kind assuming development of scalable knowledge bases combining the titles of topics in the questions to their representation in speech. At the time when we consider the semi-automatic creation of anthologies of quotations for the man-machine dialogue, and the generation of natural language texts. The arrival of the Web and the Internet will increase from 94 requirements, the mass amounts of information and exchanges with all the diversity of cultures, languages ​​and languages. At the end of the XX-th century, multimedia web is not only images, text, sound, 3D animation, but also media, speech, speech, and "Man of speech," says Claude Hagège (1996), director of studies at the EPHE , in its linguistic contribution to the humanities: "It is not only with words associating meaning to sounds that we must operate it found, these are sentences and sets of sentences forming. texts. Such is the obvious matter that each product and receives. ". Thus giving us a theory of three perspectives for language study in the reality of their manifestation in discourse: morphosyntactic , the semantic-referential (the production and reception of meaning) and enunciation-hierarchical (pragmatics). At the beginning of XXI century, Robert Martin , a member of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres , describes in his book " Semantics and PLC " (2001), the foundations and objectives of automated semantic "a theory that in its principles, do not upset the project "and highlights the need for electronic dictionary ( the Treasury of the French language computerized) with intelligent search polysemous reduction , ie processes that analyzer implements found to the right direction , from the senses provided by the dictionary, the word carries one in context . This artificial intelligence by inference engine is provided by a system that seeks to calculate, from any statement , all semantic consequences that this statement determines. Semantic then tries to get to the point under the text vehicle in a polysemous context. And a computerized definately can only improve the performance of a semantic analyzer and facilitate "automatic compréhention." Currently many articles focus on this discipline especially with the arrival of chat, blogs and forums (and other Facebook Twiter, etc..) on the web and masses of important data to analyze thereto, to update phenomena and processes information and trade (buzz, top of the "hit" per day, scandal, business communication, pub, diffusion rate of aggregation-dispersion, occupation of the global space.) And then the multi-polylogue dialogue or Internet multi-cultural, multi-professional, multi-disciplinary, multi-practice, multi-ethnic, multi- class creates a new language in a multi-Linguee creolization: perhaps the "Webol" in all its multi-linguistic multiplicity. For a better understanding and decision support, interactive scientific visualization becomes essential.
And Semantics that generally applies to the text, can be applied to multimedia according to Matters and Materials because objects become communicant and interactant with input-out of multimedia coded informational flux.

Reminder on the evolution of research
in texture and texturology pretopologic and quantum texturology

Initiated in 1967 with the trans-combinations the research the author will pair with the discovery of Formal Music of Iannis Xenakis and Cybernetics Nicolas Schöffer. In a study analyzing structure topology theory category, the author notes in 1971 the existence of pseudo-concept spaces, and almost pretopologic, and develops its own since 1973 mathematical models (pretopological Markov processes for simulation networks partial destruction) and pretopological textures in 1974 to meet the needs of signal processing (stochastic music, CNET-CEMAMu 1974-1978) and bio-medical imaging quantitative microscopy (texture chromatiniène, chromosomal analysis, cytological analysis , leukemia, CEA Department of Nuclear Protection, Dr. LE-GO, 1974-1979).

Then early 80s, at the University Paris XIII, it will continue its research and development in digital imaging and quantitative microscopy for cell culture transformed glial (strain) and Robotics Laboratory where he joined his mathematical model and method of texture analysis and pretopologic multihiérarchique multi pretopologic classification, which will result in a Sylvius Laboratories Professor Ploem in Leiden in Holland.


trans-combinational logic according to Patrick Saint-Jean Dice are not transitive set of dice that if a first die is more likely to give a greater result than the second and if it is more likely that third, it may still have more chance of winning the first. In other words, the relationship "has a greater probability of giving more" there is not transitive.

Local texture makes Combinatoria in topology
and Trans-Combinatoria in pretopological texture.
The texturology fonctions converge with topology (transitivity, homology, homomorphy) to classe and order but with pretopological texture (non-transitivity, heterology, heteromorphy) can built a way between unicities-diversities
of the resual space (Cybericity and Resualisme mouvement).

A Design of Mathematical Spaces with interferences between global and local properties that show the textures and texturologies where the fonctions of evolution could be calculate.
Not only Topological Mathematic Morphology (Serra, Matheron) and Adaptative
Mathematic Morphology with Pretopologic Texturologies but also logical traitment.
The logical hexagon (also called hex opposition) puts identify connections between six types of assertions that are interconnected by their truth values.
This is an extension of the logical square of Aristotle discovered independently by both Augustine and Robert SESMAT Blanché of introducing two new connections Y and U,
Y is the conjunction of I and O, while U is the disjunction A and E.
==> The hexagon logic can be interpreted as a model of modal logic such that:
    A is interpreted as the need     E is interpreted as the impossibility     I is interpreted as the possibility     O is interpreted as not need     U is interpreted as non contingency     Y is interpreted as contingency


That transform and increase a theory of homologie and transitivity class (of equivalence) and order with a theory of texturologie non transitive of heterologie where we can define not only a point of view, a reference, who are the signal to reenforce and where the other is the noise to integrate or minimize, but several points of view and references, having same and different properties textured together. The difference is not an arythmetic law as addition-soustration or divide-multiply or diiferentiable-integrable, but a problem of diversity and mixed diversities.



Theorem of the vegetable soup

And 1982 from the Laboratory of Psychophysiology of perception (François Molnar) in Fine Arts and Art Sciences at the University of Paris I, it shows the texture analysis applied to eye movements (Markov process and textures pretopological) the ability to identify the aesthetics of art as it identifies and pathologies cell or tissue textures. Electronic realization of a system of analysis of eye movements (infrared telescope and asymmetrical operational amplifiers coupled to a digital oscillator Tecktronics ITT2020 and then making a 16 million color 286 imaging software on the first IBM made based Matrox cards.
Texture analysis pretopologic image in the dispersion space (adhesion report) - Aggregation (interior report)
Space representation in complex space Quantum Texture pretopologic (quantum reports)
  psj054    psj053
Analysis texturology pretopologic by pretopological Markov processes
 psj051   psj052   psj050

Pretopologic texture analysis on 256 parameters and Classification multihiérarchique, multi-parametric.
Visualisation of isotexture pretopologic fields.
analysis and image processing of pretopological textures (80 Years). Finally in contact with the cradle of pretopology Lyon, he finalize his PhD Doctor of Science in Developmental Biology (1989) in Paris XIII

The 80s were also the arrival of 3D graphics and virtual reality.

Robotics was also his interested domain on 80's where he invente after the RobotCult for the live biological cells culture for  the Laboratory a microscopy quantitative (1981, Université Paris XIII, INSERM), a RobotPaint and a RobotSculp (with a small milling machine) for the UFR of Plastic Arts and Sciences of the Art (1984, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris)

Programming with 3D Swilvel Paracomp (San Francisco, 1989) provides forms
and Pixar Renderman allows digital rendered



Video changing, evolving with dye injected in methyl methacrylate socket during its polymerization

Patrick Saint-Jean in 1989 between the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan where he designed the first version of PolyAgogic CyberSpace (MTiPSi, 1992). It "finalize" in 1989 his general theory of quantum pretopological Texturologies for "the systemic organization in the field of texture pretopologic "


Several versions of PolyAgogic CyberSpace emerge with the advent of the Internet (1994) and development of quantum Texturologies artificial intelligence.
PolyAgogic From the UPIC in CyberSpace: Engine artificial inteligence and texturology pretopologic: http:/ / The 7 th Day Prétopologic 2010 is allowed to make a overview on "The pretopology in quantum Texturologies and increased topology " Towards a new version of HPC semantic engine PolyAgogic CyberSpace Taking concepts from older versions:

Design concept and measurement of pretopological textures in the complex plane.

Measures pretopologic quantum texturologique that define the wave functions.
A pov-rey rendering of a relational triplet of sets (Concrete-Abstrait-Virtual, Local-total-Global, Percept-Concept-Affect)

Multi-hierarchical clustering multi-paramétriqueà from measurements of texture pretopologic (256).
If the number of resulting images classification is 2 and is invertible, the classification is unique and topological.
If the number of resulting images classification is greater than 2, and the classification is multihierarchique pretopologic, and generates a graph.

3D graph and artificial intelligence engine to detect optimum paths (white) serving agogics track multi-track score.
Inference engine in conceptual spreadsheets multimedia and multi-hierarchical classification in 3D Conceptier.
conceptual multi-track score for three multimedia screens.

Dynamic Graph interactive 3D and multi-partition.

FractoCell 2D fractal pretopologic 3-th degree, Patrick Saint-Jean, 1994  
In 1996 a journalist (Pascal Teracol) Pixel magazine (# 29) will announce and show the work of Bio-Art of Patrick Saint-Jean,
in particular made from the design, modeling and programming and Julia Set fractals third order
from its mathematical model pretopological textures.

Computation of Quatum texturologic with Wolfram Mathematica





FractoCell 3D - Unit Quaternion and texturology Quantum Patrick Saint-Jean, © 2009-2011
materialization of abstract writing (equations quinternioniques systems:
- interactive visualization of virtual structure on 2D screen
- the realization of an object 3D printing representing the envelope of the virtual structure,
-. virtual display structure by laser etching in a crystal block
HPC A new version is developed by Apple Nbody processing software to view the web elements (images jpg ) instead of stars, and integrate processing algorithms, analysis and classification multihiérarchique realization HPC (high parallel computing) on Mac Pro 12-core Nvidia graphics cards and 2, 512 processors, allows the construction, visualization, monitoring, control, interactive manipulation and automatic structuring engine pretopological quantum Texturologies, of dynamic semantic graph multimedia, real-time over 32,000 concepts, nearly 140 gigaflops / s and can be extended on Networks Cloud guy with HPC.

Galaxie Ars Mathematica

Viewing a multimedia database in large numbers (8192).
Agrégativité high, low dispersivity, low Singularity, strong Otherness, Exteriority very low.
Agrégativité average, low dispersivity, high Singularity, average Otherness, low Externality.


Autostructuration space concepts:
Agrégativité high, low dispersivity, high Singularity, average Otherness, Exteriority low.
mouenne Agrégativité, dispersivity average, average Singularity, Otherness average, average Externality.

Galaxy Ars Mathematica in texture differences.

In this self structuring of space, according Nbody Thorsten Naab (released by Apple),
we are part of the attraction due to gravity due to the masses and the distance between them. The softening-parameter 
e simulates the dispersion ( adhesion development )
The damping-parameter simulates a aggregation by attenuation ( development of the interior ).

But here are the physical forces that generate pretopologic texture of different masses.
We will translate it into mathematical language pretopologic to better understand the semantic properties.
's web pages are characterized by a collection of elements with a "mass" m i subject to a "gravity" G which generates a "gravitational force" elementary proportional to the distance between external elements and inversely proportional to the cube of an external pre-distance-related softening parameter which is the cardinal measure "force of attraction" of each global element . Each "mass" is proportional to a "proper mass" but depends on a scope parameter, internal distance, the "radius" r whose square is proportional and inversely proportional to the square of an internal pre-linked distance the attenuation parameter favoring aggregation . All couples (mitigation, softening) defines a family of prévoisinages characterizing pretopologic space . Thus a dynamic system becomes a very powerful conceptual or semantic engine materials like artificial intelligence engine amic or responsive to direct interactive environment or operative orders. This achievement is a tribute to Edouard Glissant , who died in February 2011), philosopher and poet Relationship and Difference. But also, in reflection of the logical definition -Mathematics of the author, it is also the first since 1982 to honor Jean Dubuffet (1901-1985), which combines his paintings projections other means to obtain finely crafted tablecloths giving "an impression of teeming material , lively and sparkling, evoking all kinds of textures indeterminate even galaxies or nebulae, "which he gave the name to differentiate them Texturologies Topographies and turn into Footprints résillées whose idea stems from the fact that" points seemed much bites, begin to stir, to spin, to see beneath themselves a network " . As Iannis Xenakis in his formal music, Jean Dubuffet questioned its continuous and shapeless textures, investing evenly the surface as a gas occupies a volume evoking a physical phenomenon of entropy related to the relative perception of the observer ' a balance disorder and order . And it is the same when, in his musical experiences that he feels "there comes in a thousand subtle things, all interconnected it is true and difficult to isolate, which involved the quantum polish and texture variations "compared to the sound quanta Xenakis as a basic signal Gabor, and confirms or converges with the work of the author on the justification of a model of quantum pretopological Texturologies in its search for new entries in context and texture since the 60s, when in Design "kit-it yourself" (mount it yourself) replaces the "do-it yourself" (do it yourself) without cause and against the will of a "live -it yourself "(live it yourself.) It is also a tribute to Michel De Certeau , Voyeurs or walkers in The Practice of Everyday Life, which asks, citing Manhattan seen from the 110th floor of the World Trade Center on " The huge texturology we have before us is it anything other than a representation, an optical artifact? This is the analogue of the facsimile that produce a projection which is a kind of distancing, the developer of space, the planner or cartographer. The city panorama is a "theoretical" sham (that is to say visual), in short a picture, whose condition of possibility forgetfulness and ignorance practices. The voyeur god created this fiction and to be excepted from the dark interlacing lines daily and make abroad. " and putting in the dialectic texturology that it would topological ( on deformations of figures ) and not topical (definer place) according therefore a pretopologic texturology successive neighborhoods related to texture in movement, establishing a diegesis, narration walking guide by passing through transgression, grouped by the author as a topology increased in paradiégèse. "Where map cutting through the story," but where the narrators are many, and where to surf the net (buzzer creating wave) becomes a way of "Slamer" on the net more.

And the Web is the representation of all possible configurations and unimaginable sects more structured the most soffistiquées social jungles.
Thus the artist, scientist and engineer mingles and unravels, and leads to struggles, to chain rages in AFRES of this democracy-mediocrity-thuggery which he must give and build instruments, helpful tools at its awareness and practical action to promote its praxis and texture thought. So Walker is pretopologic while the voyeur is topological. And we see the importance of introducing a non-transitive relation of the land, local, to deconstruct the topology of global, end transitive relationships forming classes of order and equivalence conducive to fétéchisation and regulate the local -overall in total as a place of all living diversity, ensuring membrane texture and texturology in the meeting of differences: a new art in the total local-global-total. In fact it is the pretopology which is a real natural topology and the topology that is an artificial pseudo-topology and where the topology is increased synthetic topology combining difference to identity. Again in the family's own categorical filters filter was reversed giving the functor as a mirror or camera obscura reversing morphisms. Increased in the topology approaches use both perspectives allowing a classification multihierarchique generating a network of intertwined and entangled as "meeting of differences in identity will" networks, combining elements texturizing pretopologic localitaire walking to globalitaire vision to define as the total interference between the local and the global setting the optimum value of the difference of singularities in otherness, respecting irreducible (the human rights, the rights of information). The collection of his reflections should lend itself to a texturologique experiment showing the interest of the pretopologic texture . For the author who received postwar political awakening, in the 60s, by the fifth gaulien terms of independence and self-determination, and the background against rocardien of self, experience Texturologies pretopological gives him the keys to the evolution of self-inter-trans addiction, self-inter-trans management at work (culture and life) staff-colaboratif-cooperative to a résuelle systemic local-global-total in the concrete-abstract, virtual, and because of semantically analyzed on the multimedia web in a dynamic synergy- Synectics-synaesthesia. example of group phenomena interactivant according textural properties pretopologic autogénèrent design conceptual forms: the "stars" and "planettes" are replaced by concepts expressed by web pages multimedia (image, text, sound, animation ) whose topology opens on pretopologic texture by introducing variables constant thickening borders and places of generating textures - mock a world of total or local-global, is order and classes that are textured in a network networks interactivant variability in the local-global-total and instantiating event open and interspersed classes and confining-transcendent-immanent partial orders, scalable, and curly interference is autostructurant in the fields of scalar gradients and influences textures textures - the contents of a multimedia part (pretreatment, analysis, processing, synthesis of text, image, audio sound voice-signal music and animation) to be in wave function pretopologic of quantum texturology, and other semantic and semiotic share. interest is to introduce the pretopological Texturologies generated by the specific relations between them contained the level of word, sentence, paragraph and page up the site itself and a collection of sites or pages spatially distributed knowledge. Generalized quantum theory pretopological Texturologies ( or pre-theory to give the walker a pragmatic field ancestry on the visionary heights, "the voyeur god " ) can be assimilated to a theory of dynamic graphs or nodes are elementary particles active information, each node can itself be a dynamic graph. Gravity G is a semantic field parameter representing a major insider concepts, and the mass M a parameter representing a semantic field of influence defining the scope of these related concepts. The resulting form then gives the signature of the concept focused. cosmological Using a physical model is already an interesting example. But we see that pretopological parameters (aggregation, dispersion, singularity otherness but also relative ratios) are more subtle than simply the mass and gravity, may involve other interactions as well as Gestalt information (fields of forms, fields influence, etc..) to ensure its quantum texturology.

Pretopological Texture BrandD Language and Pretopological Quantics Texturology BrandD Language

To do this the web pages include PTML (Pretopological Texture BrandD Language) or metalanguage as IEML Pierre Levy, who is not topological but pretopologic Texturologique and to ensure interoperability semantics, in the context of globalization of the mind (not only memory but the percept-concept affect the Mind Design, not only the mind but the mind of the Society of the Mind where the soul of peoples still something to say and live), and so the effort of knowledge management for its polyagogy, its creation and performance (work, courses, conferences) in interactive immersion spaces.



Conclusion and extension

The meeting of the characteristic differences, the diversity of the site, the place, its people, its origins and its history make it a symbol conducive to the implementation of HPC centers using methods and approaches as analysis and expertise based on more than topological textures pretopological made ​​as of identities of hierarchical classes.

The pretopological galaxies members of Ars Mathematica.
Agrégativité high, low dispersivity, high Singularity, strong Otherness, low Externality.

From the theory of relational quantum Texturologies pretopological Patrick Saint-Jean proposes to make digital sculptures and drive heads multicolor 3D printing.

For the author, parallel to the collective work of the application development is to advance the theoretical and fundamental as well as the mathematical model and computer research.
Indeed, modeling of complex shape and quintavecteurs systems and inter self quinternions structuring, shows interest in building, next to the space-time of Einstein (and others) in the theory of relativity, a more specific particular Minkowsky space and generalized modeling the quantum pretopologic texturology flows with inter and intra-controversies (Asymmetric bidirectional multi-stream interactivant differently in the process of Texturologies).
A possible extension can be done by considering physical, in the theory of bounce around the Big Bang, related to quantum gravity to loops Martin Bojowald , the grains, the space-time quanta are differentiated and form elements in our textures texture space pretopologic. Systems quinternions from the quanternions Minkowsky (hyperbolic or not) can then describe quantum gravity texturology defining a cosmological pretopologic texturology (or a new cosmogony Daliesque in a conversion of coordinates of psychoanalytic cosmogony coordinates of the fourth dimension, modulated the relativity of space-time interaction in the space-time equation texturologique). It is not said, that there is only one big bang with its rebound space-time mirroring but collections of big-bang (or not so big bang) asymmetric rebound diversified permanent evolution and texturologique pretopologic. HPC enables a significant advance in modeling and simulation of complex systems and its processes relating thereto. Semantic analysis can play a role as well as semiotics and semiology. This helps explain the interaction of information flow that summit is not as physical signals (the whole is greater than the sum of its parts) and describe natural phenomena buzz ("gossip", "noise Court ... and barnyard", "noise shit", etc.). buzz and structured, organized, constructed, and maintained generated ("marketing" "political", "game"), often more consequential than a "holla" in a stage involving the shape of the content and form of expression, to identify collaborative democratic expression, participatory and cooperative social movements in their relations with others and differentiated on the Internet (and other databases) in the textures and Texturologies their singularities and their otherness. ties It is also a reflection Mental Design and Design Thinking in the Digital Design , research and understanding of the movements of thought associated with the flow of calcium into the neuroglia and interconnection presynaptic, postsynaptic-astrocyte.

and Internet Publication paper work of the author:

- Saint-Jean Patrick 1967: The Transcombinaisons and fourth dimention. - Patrick Saint-Jean, 1971: Concept of General Topology. Internal report. Ecole Supérieure d'Informatique Electronique Automatique, Paris. - Saint-Jean Patrick, 1972: Algebra structures. Internal report. Ecole Supérieure d'Informatique Electronique Automatique, Paris. - Saint-Jean Patrick, 1977: Laboratory Information System for Operational musical and visual composition, UPIC. Engineer ESIEA Memory. - Saint-Jean Patrick Von Hagen V., Jean-Claude Bisconte, 1982: A Theory Applied pretopological to image analysis with a model for analysis of texture in digitalized images. - Patrick Saint-Jean, 1982: Why not pretopology topology, University of Villeurbanne. http://patrick.saintjean. / phpwebgallery / index.php / category/162? - Saint-Jean Patrick & all, 1982: An automatic device for cell cultures. Robotics Laboratory. - Saint-Jean Patrick Von Hagen V., G. Koper, Ploem JS 1985: A texture pretopological model, a multiparametric model picture and a hierarchical classification method for the analysis of digitized images. Pattern Recognition in Practice, E. and L. KANAL Gelsema Science Publishers BV North Holland, pp. 102-112. - Saint-Jean Patrick 1986: Sensory Science creative action Handout CREATIVE APSA, University of Paris I. - Saint John Patrick 1986-1989: pretopologic Texture and sensors virus, INSERM. - Saint-Jean Patrick Emptoz H. 1987: Space texture pretopologic and models of complex tissues. Congress of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. AFCET, INRIA, pp. 219-232. - Saint-Jean Patrick 1989: Production Process and experimentation, biological and medical, for texture analysis pretopologic and robotics laboratory, PhD Doctor of Science of . the University of Paris-Nord - Saint-Jean Patrick, 1989 pretopologic texture spaces and systems of the organization. - Patrick Saint-Jean, 1994: Use and challenges of the digital image, Perspectives short and medium term. 3D PERCEPTION APTEP, CNAM, Paris 1994, sponsored and published by the Association of Professors of Educational Technology Public. - Saint-Jean Patrick 1997: To a behavioral Design , an other perspective for the 3D perspective of image synthesis to be immerse in new virtual worlds and to settle in icts proper live. ACM-SIGGRAPH Education. - Saint-Jean Patrick 1997: The PolyAgogic CyberSpace Project. A multimedia system for texturing, networking, and Practising knowledge. Edugraphics'97, Graphics'97 Computer Graphics Third International Conference on Education, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal. Edited by GRASP - Graphic Science Promotions & Publications. ISBN 972-8342-02-0. - Patrick Saint-Jean, 1998 Voluntary PolyAgogic CyberSpace Textured and Integrated System. Polyagogique Cyber ​​Space as information voluntarily textured and integrated by the local media and global network for education through the creation and culture. Proposal to the European ESPRIT program. - Patrick Saint-Jean, 1999: PROPOSALS year of European Digital Interactive Spaces Network EDISN. PROPOSAL NUMBER: IST - 1999-11373 25/5/99. The Fifth Framework Program Focuses on Community activities in the field of research, technological development and demonstration (RTD) for the period 1998 to 2002. European Commission. - Patrick Saint-Jean, 1999: PolyAgogic CyberSpace Imagina Monaco 1999. - Saint-Jean Patrick, 2000: Cyber-Space and the Universe Polyagogiques Interactive Virtual Cities for access to cultural and scientific heritage, education and artistic creation and audiovisual media network. Imagina 2000. - Saint-Jean Patrick 2000: The PolyAgogic Cyberspaces and the Design of the multimedia concept for the networked cultural and scientific inheritance, education, multimedia and audiovisual artistic establishment access. Proceeding, Laval Virtual, Virtual Reality International Conferences 2000 the Laval 18-21 May Patrick Saint-Jean 2001: "Universe, Virtual Cities Interactive (UCVI): The Design Concept Multimedia in Cyber-Space for access to cultural and scientific networking, multimedia creation, and interactive show polyagogy knowledge "ASTI'2001, Science and Information Technology. At the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris La Villette. - Patrick Saint-Jean 2003: "Far from being out of control, the concept of cybernetics regulates France in a non-centralized but distributed network domain: Information, Systemic and Cybernetics. " Cybernetics in the Third Millennium (C3M) e-zine archive (vol. 2.3, 2.5, March and May Patrick Saint-Jean in 2004: Towards a quantum texturology Seminar ESIEA.. - Patrick Saint-Jean 2005: Cybernetics, Art and cyber the cyber era Festival Jubilee Art Cybernetics Workshop Schöffer.. - Patrick Saint-Jean, 2005: The future of artificial intelligence. Patrick Saint-Jean 2006 pretopology and quantum texturology: A Quantum Texturologique adventure interactivity, and human intercreativity intercréactivité 69th Meeting of the Working Group View and produce art and science, University PARIS-SUD images.. http: / / - Patrick Saint-Jean 2006: PolyAgogic CyberSpace and Artificial Intelligence In honor of the fiftieth anniversary of Artificial Intelligence.. Ministry of Research, 1 rue Descartes, Paris. - Patrick Saint-Jean in 2007. Sculpture concept and quantum texturology Intersculpt 2007 Ars Mathematica, Patrick Saint-Jean, 2009: The project PolyAgogic CyberSpace: The sculpture of knowledge through the multimedia Design Concept. Quantum Texturologies and sculpture of quanta in CyberAgogique informational space for learning, creating and performing the knowledge. Intersculpt 2009 Science Festival 2009 Lorraine, Ars Patrick Saint-Jean 2010: From pretopology in quantum Texturologies and topology increased 7 th Day pretopology University of Versailles Saint-Quentin.. - Saint Patrick John 2010. Panorama, challenges and provocations of Bio-Art Overview, challenges and provocations of BioArt Between Molecule-Body-Art and Art.. Bio-Art Science Festival 2010 Ars Mathematica, Cyberbase, Carrefour digital, Media, Library, City of Science and Industry,

Other interesting and useful bibliographies:
ZT. Belmandt 2011: Basics of pretopology, Hermann editor. - Edouard Glissant 2010: Philosophy of the relationship, poetry extent, Gallimard editor. - Marc Bui, Ivan Lavallée 2009 pretopology and modeling, Vol. 7.1 Hermann Publishers science and arts. - Robert Martin 2001: Semantics and controller, electronic writing, PUF editor. - Claude Hagège 1996 The man of words, linguistic contribution to the humanities, Time Science, Fayard editor.

- Robert Valley 1995: Cognition and System test epistemological Praxiology the Interdisciplinary, system (s) editor. - Eveline Martin 1993: Recognition of thematic contexts in a text corpus. Elements of lexical semantics. 'Studies of lexical semantics ". INaLF CNRS-Nancy, Director: Robert Martin. Didier Erudition publisher, Paris.

- Z. Belmandt 1993 Manual pretopology and its applications, Interdisciplinarity and new tools, Hermes editor. - Haim Nisenbaum 1989 Hebrew Texture, L'Aire Libre Edition Collection "Quintessence."
- Michel Thévoz 1986 Duduffet, Skira Publisher. - Michel de Certeau 1980: The Practice of Everyday Art 1 to Chapter VII Walking in the city, page 139-141. , Publisher Gallimard (New Edition 1990 by Luce Giard.) - Michel de Certeau 1969: Foreign or unity in difference, Du Seuil Publisher (New Edition 2005 Luce Giard).

- Pierre Schaeffer and Guy Reibel: Treatise on musical objects, Edition du Seuil 1967
- Nicolas Schöffer with his interréactive cybernetics.
- Pierre Barbaud: Music, scientific discipline, 1968 Dunod editor (which refers to the twelve-tone music)
"Adapt to the modern world maintain adequate interventions possibilities conprendre the evolution of science and their numerous applications, up to date, ie stay young, is that even possible Yes, subject to with enthousiasm accept the idea of lifelong learning. "
- Pierre Henri with his rock-e.
- Abraham A. Moles (Art and Computer, 1971 and 1990 Blusson Editor.) shows that this is Art and machinery to manipulate the information and notes in 1990: "Widely popularized by the media, the so-called image synthesis has attracted public attention on the relationship between art and computer Once. considered as competitors or foreign to the creative process, machines now fully involved in the production of works. "
- Nicolas Negroponte: Digital Rights, 1995.
"Simulation and Virtual Reality (head-mounted Sutherland 1968)."
" The finger is the surprise candidate for graphical control. "
- Pierre Levy: What the virtual 1998?.
"He rebels against the idea that would be the opposite of virtual reality. He said capable of abolishing space and time. "
- Dominique Chateau Theory of iconicity, 1997.
Same game between dream and reality, as reality product that dream and that dream simulates reality, discerns precisely the scope of iconicity. "
Quoting Charles S. Peirce on the theory of iconicity, for him, "and stripped at the same time enhanced the image does not directly contribute to explain the art, but . appears that iconicity which defines essentially is a first step towards the work "
in a pretopologic that topological analysis, Patrick Saint-Jean there will add a trilogy icon-iconic-icodicité.
- Quéau: Planet of spirits , 2000.
"How" virtual reality "Does it affect the way we see the world, our relationships with others, our sense of" reality? "
Is it not the very image of the man who is changing, with technological developments? "
- Edmond Couchot. Digital 2003 art
digital art How is it art hybridization excellence?
- Yves Michaud: Art gaseous, 2003.
"This replaces the work? Of installation, performance aesthetic experiences where there remains a gas, ether, artistic fog. ... We also need to understand the nature of the gas to enter the art world and culture where now it diffuses "
